
ALSA Utilities Install the alsa-utils package. This contains (among other utilities) the alsamixer and amixer utilities. 1 pacman -S alsa-utils Unmuting the channels ALSA by default has all channels muted, all of which will need to be unmuted manually. This can be done using amixer: 1 amixer sset Master unmute This can alternatively be done using alsamixer: 1 alsamixer Test your changes 1 speaker-test -c 2 User privileges Usually, local


安装fcitx,安装gtk、qt模块。 1 2 3 4 5 [root@Arctux ~]# pacman -S fcitx-im :: There are 4 members in group fcitx-im: :: Repository community 1) fcitx 2) fcitx-gtk2 3) fcitx-gtk3 4) fcitx-qt4 Enter a selection (default=all): 安装fcitx配置工具 1 [root@ARCH ~]# pacman -S fcitx-configtool .


选择安装方式 CD/USB Arch启动盘安装 使用Arch启动盘比较简单方便,没有额外设置,直接阅读下一步。 USB flash installation media 启动盘制作: USB flash installation media 从已经存在的Lin

Arch下载官方镜像列表Official mirrors

Official mirrors The official Arch Linux mirror list is available from the pacman-mirrorlist package. To get an even more up-to-date list of mirrors, use the Pacman Mirror List Generator page on the main site. 手动下载镜像列表 有时因为系统镜像列表丢失或可读性不强,我们需要从官方网站